1st Woosehill has a termly membership subscription of £45 across Beavers, Cubs and Scouts. Payments are made via Online Scout Manager (OSM).
Membership policy
Subs are paid at the start of each term, and apply for the whole of the term. In the event that a parent wishes their child to leave any of the sections of the 1st Woosehill Scout Group before their normal leaving age, notice must be given to the Section Leader before the last session of the term in which they are leaving. This is to allow the Section Leaders to liaise during the holidays and if necessary consult the waiting list about filling the place for the next term.
If a child leaves partway through a term without any notice being given, no refunds of subs will be provided.
Gift Aid
If we collect gift aid on subs payments, we can obtain approximately another £10 each term from the government at no cost to you. This would mean that subs could be lower if everyone signed up!
Gift Aid is a scheme that lets UK taxpayers easily supercharge their charity donations. Every time you say 'yes' to Gift Aid, each tenner you give becomes £12.50 for the charity at no extra cost to you.
‐ Money Saving Expert
Making a Gift Aid declaration
As you know, we are a charity. If you are a UK taxpayer and say yes to Gift Aid, we will reclaim from the Government the tax that you have already paid on your membership and any other donations. If all our eligible members agreed to Gift Aid we could claim much more each year which would help us organise more exciting activities for all and keep subs lower.
We have made this process simple for you, on OSM you just need to click on your child and gift aid is on the drop-down menu. If you click on this link it tells you if you have already made a declaration and if not, there is a link directly to the form.
We hope that everyone eligible can sign up to make scouting more affordable for all.